No story is ever written without imagination. Pull-in has its own, forged over the years by the determination of one man, Emmanuel Lohéac.
In the 90’s, this 25 year-old engineer and fashion passionate, realized how much the youth is attracted to colors and originality, down to all the smallest details… but their drawers. As a matter of fact, underwear seemed to be the only category left aside in this relentless quest for style. Tirelessly classic, eternally unoriginal. Black, white, grey. This observation will inspire him the founding vision behind Pull-in: to shake up the codes of a conservative lingerie industry, with the sole aim to elevate underwear into a sartorialist means of expression and a true fashion item. 15 years and a few million followers later, Pull-in has remained faithful to its values and is no longer a brand like the others. It has become a way of life, of behaving, of establishing an identity.